Direct VPS hosting is distinct from other hosting plans because it is an intermediate option between choosing a shared plan and purchasing a dedicated server. When your website has outgrown the space and bandwidth provided by a shared plan, but you do not yet need the resources offered by a dedicated server, a VPS can be a good option.
VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. Essentially, a VPS is an allocated amount of space on a shared server that is divided from the rest of the server. There are several benefits to choosing this option. For one, it means that the software of your choice can be installed on the VPS. On a shared hosting account, the software is generally a standard set of programs installed by the hosting company. While these programs are typically the pieces of software frequently used by hosting customers, you and your website may have specific software needs to can be fulfilled through the custom installation of programs on your VPS.
Websites that can benefit from the use of a VPS include e-commerce websites and websites that use a content management system. Within your VPS, you can host more than one website if you choose. Many direct VPS hosting plans include additional IPs that can be assigned to individual websites.
Another advantage to using a VPS over a shared hosting plan is the scalability of the server. As a VPS is just a contained space on a shared server, when your space and bandwidth needs increase, you can purchase additional resources.
The first customizable feature on a VPS is the amount of disk space allocated to the server. If you are currently hosting your site through a shared plan, you may have a good idea of the amount of space your site needs. If not, a hosting company can help you decide on the set of options best suited to your website.
The next feature you select when choosing a VPS plan is typically the amount of RAM you believe your site will need to operate smoothly. Content management systems and e-commerce platforms can use more memory than other types of sites, so if your site is powered by these types of applications, you may want to consider purchasing additional memory.
Customizable software and features make a VPS server a good choice for growing websites. A direct VPS hosting plan can help you determine your space and bandwidth needs in the future, and it is a good next step after you move on from a shared hosting plan.
When you are ready to move beyond your shared hosting plan, you may want to look into direct VPS hosting. To find out more about the benefits provided by a direct VPS hosting plan, contact shells.