The most often-used method to get information to the public is by creating your own Web site. Whether you own a business and want to spread the word about your products and services, or you want to display news about your family to family members, a Web site provides a way to creatively express yourself. Once you have decided to build a Web site, you must have a web hosting service to host it.
A web hosting service allows you to make your Web site accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW). Web hosting companies provide space on a server for your data. They also provide the Internet connectivity you need to get your Web site out there. Personal Web site hosting is usually free or very inexpensive, whereas a business Web site may have a higher expense depending on the size of the Web site.
When you are looking for a web hosting service, there are several types of web hosting options to choose from. The one that may work the best for a business Web site is a dedicated hosting service. A dedicated hosting service provides you with your own Web server, allowing you full control over it. You do not own the server, but you are able to have full administrative access to the server. This service does require a fee, but can find several cheap dedicated server hosting options by browsing through the internet and comparing the price structures.
With your monthly fee, most server companies are able to offer 24 hour support, unlimited disk space, free daily backups, etc. Some hosting services also claim to have 100% up time, meaning your Web site will not experience an interruption in service. This may sound like an expensive endeavor, but there are plenty of cheap dedicated server hosting options out there. Some services offer monthly plans, or for a lower monthly price, you can pre-pay up to 3 years in advance at an even lower cost.
As you look for a web hosting service, be sure to not only compare the price, but also the amount of service that is offered. You want to ensure that you will be able to do anything you need to do with your Web site, but at a competitive cost.